What is ENACTUS?

We are an open community of innovators that believe that investing in students who take ENtrepreneurial ACTion for others creates a better world for US all.


Passion for Purpose

Guided by the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, teams of UW-Madison students conduct needs assessments in their community, identify potential solutions to complex issues, and implement community impact projects. This results in communities benefiting from collaboration and fresh innovation, plus students gain the valuable experience to advance their personal and professional lives.


With a Head for Business and a Heart for the World

We’ve thought creatively to address and impact issues like mental health, homelessness, food and financial insecurity, fossil fuel energy use, inequality and many more.

View Our Running Projects →


Our Global Network

Enactus is an international organization that brings together student, academic, and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to enable progress around the world

Each year, we compete at The Enactus United States National Exposition, where teams showcase the collective impact of their community outreach efforts. Students present their projects and are evaluated by business leaders serving as judges who rank them on how successful they were at using business concepts to improve the quality of life and standard of living for those in need. The winners of these national competitions are then invited to compete at the Enactus World Cup.



Student Members Annually




Lives Directly Impacted Annually


Get Involved

If you are a UW-Madison student, show up to our meetings to learn more about joining one of our existing projects or starting a new one.

General Members Meetings are once a week during the semester on Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm, please check our Instagram @enactus.uw for the location.

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